Okay - now that I am out of hibernation, I will be around to visit all of your blogs that I have missed these last few weeks. Happy Sunday!
A welcoming place to swap ideas, share stories and make a friend or two.
Korean War Memorial....
The Capitol Building...
Oh? did you think I wouldn't go antiquing??
(In Fredericksburg, a whole block of antique shops and yes, we had tea & a slice of pie in the "Tea Room"!!)
Arlington Cemetery.....
Something like 27 funerals a day...
The Changing of the Guard at the unclaimed soldiers graves...
The Amphitheater at the cemetery......
It really was an amazing trip. We walked our feet off. As for my daughter's experience. She would be taken on field trips during the day and classes at night, not getting back to her dorm room until 10:30 pm and would have to be up by 6:00 am ready to go the next morning - all with a 3 hour (plus one hour daylight savings) time change! I kept asking "did you take a shower yet?" because I couldn't figure when they would have time!
(my daughter in front of the Supreme Court...)
She really enjoyed the experience, seeing the sights, making new friends and learning about the ups & downs, good & bad choices of past leaders. Needless to say she slept the entire first flight home!
My mother and I really enjoyed the trip as well. These are only a few of the 300+ pictures I had taken. Though I wouldn't consider it a "vacation" (i.e. no beach chairs & cocktails were involved on this trip!) it was very educational and awe-inspiring, I just wished I had paid better attention in history class when I was younger! ;) As for the boys left at home, they survived...but my house didn't! (my husband was so eager to point out that he did the laundry but he can't multitask so everything else - i.e. putting AWAY the laundry or the dishes, vacuuming didn't get done and I don't know what happened but I have the most mismatched sheets on my bed!?)... sigh... :)