Having children is the greatest accomplishment ever, right? hmm...I think passing elementary school the second or third time around is pretty high up there too.
Never did I think I would be spending my friday nights in my 30's at home trying to smear paper mache' to a styrofoam ball to make the planet Mercury. Or trying to make a book report look like a pizza. Or even making a video book report? that's sort of an oxymoron right? But yep, here I am STRESSED OUT over science projects, required parent volunteering (explain that one to me..? thought Volunteering was well, voluntary!) and bringing in healthy snacks for the class party. Those always crack me up! For some reason I always get the hardest party dish to bring in. Do I ever get elected to bring in paper plates? Napkins? even juice boxes? No, I get 3 dozen deviled eggs and ham & cheese platter!
I am among young Mom's (not that I am old, in my mid 30's mind you!) but Mom's who sport color coordinating sweat (ha!) outfits that match their shoes and their cute little baseball caps. Mom's who MUST wake up extra early to apply a full face of makeup and a quick run to Starbucks before dropping kids off to school. How do they do it?
My morning is usually spent frantically looking for shoes, school sweatshirts, last nights scattered homework, tossing together a somewhat healthy lunch and coaxing the three year old into his car seat without 6 trucks, 3 books and 2 stuffed animals! Apply makeup? Well, only at the stoplights enroute to school... and as for the cute color coordinated sweat outfits? I am lucky If I remembered to remove (or conceal) my pajama's before jumping in the car. I know, I know, I hear the voice in my head, Got To Get More Organized but at the end of the evening between juggling homework, dinner, kitchen duty & bath time, I am lucky I make it up the stairs. (Thank goodness for Tivo & DVR!)
I hear people who moan about the newborn stage. What?! are they crazy? That's easy street! it's when they start walking, talking and going to school that really battles with the whole ideal vision in your pre-children head. Here I am in my 30's trying to pass the 5th grade!
Little did I know when I signed up (okay, so there was some wine involved!) that I would be this exhausted, perplexed, scared & scarred (stretchmarks!) when raising offspring......
But little did I know the pride, the joy and heart overflowing with LOVE when I look at my 3 beautiful, intelligent, caring kids. Granted - this feeling usually only overtakes me when the children are konked out, snoring in their beds :) but still the feeling is overwhelming. Those little beings are here because of me! oh and just a teeny bit of help from the husband....:)
So I am looking forward to some lazy days of summer when we haven't been up late the night before rewriting the history report or tying up Valentine goodie bags for 45 fellow students. Or making sure the family car is cleaned out enough to accomodate 5 rowdy boys on the class field trip along with a stressed out teacher asking you for advil. (Yes, those lovely young Room Moms I mentioned, always assign the teacher to ride along in my car). Those lazy days ahead of baking cookies and going for walks... playing in the park.....sigh...
After about two weeks of all this togetherness, reality sets in (and 18 hour days!)...and I start counting the days til school starts! aaahhh! Motherhood! :)
God Bless You & Your Families.